Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sore Muscles!

Quick mental break from work to post about my workout last night and the sore muscles I have today as a result...

Warm Up: 15 minutes on the "Crossramp" (a machine similar to an elliptical) on the "variety" setting which does a variety of resistances throughout the workout-hence the name, haha! The first 10 minutes I went all out speed-wise and the last 5 minutes were a cool down so I went slower. Total miles "ran/walked" was about 1.3 and total calories burned was about 120.

Weights: Yesterday was arms and abs day (though I do abs every day at the gym). Started off my abs on a seated machine in which you bend forward (kinda like a seated crunch). Did 25 reps at 35 lbs., 20 reps at 40 lbs., and 15 reps at 45 lbs. After that I did 75 crunches (usually only do 50 if I do that many reps on the machine but wanted to push myself). I did bicep curls with 8 lb. weights (3 sets of 15 on each side) as well as some tricep work also with 8 lb. weights (and 3 sets of 15 on each side). Also did some obliques work where I stand up and bend over to each side (hard to explain) with 8 lb. weights and did 35 on each side. Lastly in the weights department I did some chest work with 5 lb. weights (3 sets of 15) - another exercise I don't know how to explain lol. For all of the sets, I typically only do 3 sets of 10 and for the oblique work I typically only do 30 on each side (so wasn't a huge change on that one, but still)...sooooo that is why my arms, abs, and obliques are sore today!

After weights, I did another 35 minutes on the crossramp on the "manual" setting and every 5 minutes I changed the incline and resistance. Last 5 minutes were a cool down. Total miles "ran/walked" there was about 3.3 and calories burned was a little under 300.

Before leaving, I did some stretching so my muscles wouldn't get too tensed up, of course!

I ate very poorly yesterday calorie-wise and even after the gym was about 300 calories over my daily goal but that is okay. Most of what I ate was relatively healthy, I just ate a lot of things throughout the day.

I am on track so far food-wise today...had a granola bar for breakfast, some mixed nuts for a snack, and lunch will consist of a PB&J sandwich, watermelon, strawberries, and a 100 calorie pack of Lorna Doone cookies. After work, I will be running a few errands and then heading over to Maria and Karl's house to go watch Karl's softball game with her. Not sure when or what I will be eating for dinner but hopefully I can keep it healthy and not go overboard on calories. Alright, time for my mental break to end !

<3 Jenni

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