Quick mental break from work to post about my workout last night and the sore muscles I have today as a result...
Warm Up: 15 minutes on the "Crossramp" (a machine similar to an elliptical) on the "variety" setting which does a variety of resistances throughout the workout-hence the name, haha! The first 10 minutes I went all out speed-wise and the last 5 minutes were a cool down so I went slower. Total miles "ran/walked" was about 1.3 and total calories burned was about 120.
Weights: Yesterday was arms and abs day (though I do abs every day at the gym). Started off my abs on a seated machine in which you bend forward (kinda like a seated crunch). Did 25 reps at 35 lbs., 20 reps at 40 lbs., and 15 reps at 45 lbs. After that I did 75 crunches (usually only do 50 if I do that many reps on the machine but wanted to push myself). I did bicep curls with 8 lb. weights (3 sets of 15 on each side) as well as some tricep work also with 8 lb. weights (and 3 sets of 15 on each side). Also did some obliques work where I stand up and bend over to each side (hard to explain) with 8 lb. weights and did 35 on each side. Lastly in the weights department I did some chest work with 5 lb. weights (3 sets of 15) - another exercise I don't know how to explain lol. For all of the sets, I typically only do 3 sets of 10 and for the oblique work I typically only do 30 on each side (so wasn't a huge change on that one, but still)...sooooo that is why my arms, abs, and obliques are sore today!
After weights, I did another 35 minutes on the crossramp on the "manual" setting and every 5 minutes I changed the incline and resistance. Last 5 minutes were a cool down. Total miles "ran/walked" there was about 3.3 and calories burned was a little under 300.
Before leaving, I did some stretching so my muscles wouldn't get too tensed up, of course!
I ate very poorly yesterday calorie-wise and even after the gym was about 300 calories over my daily goal but that is okay. Most of what I ate was relatively healthy, I just ate a lot of things throughout the day.
I am on track so far food-wise today...had a granola bar for breakfast, some mixed nuts for a snack, and lunch will consist of a PB&J sandwich, watermelon, strawberries, and a 100 calorie pack of Lorna Doone cookies. After work, I will be running a few errands and then heading over to Maria and Karl's house to go watch Karl's softball game with her. Not sure when or what I will be eating for dinner but hopefully I can keep it healthy and not go overboard on calories. Alright, time for my mental break to end !
<3 Jenni

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Weekend Recap
Well, another Monday is upon us...luckily for me, this is a only a four day work week, so one day down, one to go!
Ran some errands, saw the house, had lunch, and saw Bad Teacher with Kevin on Saturday. Outfit was as follows:
Ran some errands, saw the house, had lunch, and saw Bad Teacher with Kevin on Saturday. Outfit was as follows:
Shirt: A&F (really old)
Under Shirt: Aeropostale
Denim Skirt: True Religion (purchased at the outlet on sale)
Sandals: Target
Bangles: Forever 21
Close up of shirts
Took a picture of the house progress on Saturday, too:
I can't WAIT to go inside for our walk through on Friday! It is gonna be so exciting to see the inside of our (almost done) home! Expect lotsa pictures of that!
On Sunday Kevin, my parents, and I re-covered our dining chairs. We got a dining set for a really good deal but the cushions were veryyyyy outdated. Awhile back, I bought new padding and fabric and so we finally had time to get to them yesterday. I completely didn't think to take a "before" picture of the chairs...which Kev mentioned shortly after we were done. Just trust me when I say they were very old fashioned and not our style at all. Here is a picture of one of the new and improved chairs:
I am totally in love with them! And so blessed that Kevin is letting me pretty much do whatever I want decor-wise. :)
This weekend is gonna be a fun-filled four day weekend celebrating Kevin's birthday (which is Friday) and the 4th of July. PLUS, Lauren is coming into town, too! It is definitely gonna be a great time...just gotta get through the rest of the workweek first! :)
<3 Jenni
Friday, June 24, 2011
Hellooooo weekend!
Quick outfit and new hair pics :)
Before getting my hair done this afternoon, I ran a few errands (car wash, tanning)...here's the summery little outfit I wore (I apologize in advance for the photos as photos taken from a phone and emailed to myself to open on my computer just don't ever seem to be great quality):

Before getting my hair done this afternoon, I ran a few errands (car wash, tanning)...here's the summery little outfit I wore (I apologize in advance for the photos as photos taken from a phone and emailed to myself to open on my computer just don't ever seem to be great quality):
Tank: Old Navy
Brown Under Tank: Nordstrom BP
Jean Cutoff Shorts: Lucky Jeans (purchased on sale)
Sandals: Target
Bangles: Forever 21 (I think)
Purse: Carlos Santana (purchased at Macy's, also on sale)
I also apologize for not taking a close up of the tank as I now realize it's hard to see the abstract-type pattern
I also apologize for not taking a close up of the tank as I now realize it's hard to see the abstract-type pattern

(Close up of the purse cause I love it...but the pictures really don't do it justice)
And my new hair...more brown than red (as it was before) and darker underneath than on top
No plans for the rest of the evening as my hair took longer than I expected so Shannon and I rescheduled our dessert and drinks date we had for the night...I was hoping the boyfriend would get off work early tonight, but seeing that its already almost 10:00 I guess that isn't happening! Sooo...I will just be relaxing for the rest of the night! :)
<3 Jenni
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
New Job!
So its been coming for a little while, but now that it is officially official, I can mention it here...I have a new job!!!!! I will begin working there Tuesday, July 5th. I will be a Benefits Coordinator for a dental office in Elk Grove that is about 10 minutes from my new house. My last day at my current job will be Thursday, June 30th...so I will have a nice little 4-day 4th of July weekend :) I am super excited for this opportunity and love that it'll be so close to my new house. The drive from my current house to the new job is about an hour, which will suck for the few weeks between my start date and when we move, but it will be worth it.
When I was interviewing for the job, the manager told me it is a LOT to learn, especially with no dental background, but that right around week 4 or so of training it will just kinda "click" and it will be fairly smooth sailing from there. I am definitely ready for the challenge of something new and completely different. I will definitely be updating on how the learning experience of the new job is going as time goes on.
Work this week has been super busy due to my having been gone on vay cay and my impending leave. Kinda stressful and super annoying, but it is what it is! Definitely worth it, obviously! Anywhooo, time to catch up on last night's Pretty Little Liars (AKA one of the best shows on right now)!
<3 Jenni
When I was interviewing for the job, the manager told me it is a LOT to learn, especially with no dental background, but that right around week 4 or so of training it will just kinda "click" and it will be fairly smooth sailing from there. I am definitely ready for the challenge of something new and completely different. I will definitely be updating on how the learning experience of the new job is going as time goes on.
Work this week has been super busy due to my having been gone on vay cay and my impending leave. Kinda stressful and super annoying, but it is what it is! Definitely worth it, obviously! Anywhooo, time to catch up on last night's Pretty Little Liars (AKA one of the best shows on right now)!
<3 Jenni
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
A better update
Alright I have a little bit of time before bed so I will do a better Cabo - and life - update...first off, some pics of the trip (with some descriptions):
This is the view my sister and I had from our balcony
My mom, me, and my sister on the beach after dinner the first night
My sister and I lounging by the pool on day two in our floppy hats
"Los Arcos"...we took a glass bottom boat tour and part of it included a drive around the famed rock formation...fun fact: the beach looking area is usually covered by water, except every 5 or 6 years due to tides (and some other stuff probably I don't remember though)...kinda cool we saw it the rare way!
Family photo on Lover's Beach (a stop on the glass bottom boat tour)
View of the Cabo Marina from a balcony in a shopping area we went to
We also took a horseback ride on the beach one day! I was actually really nervous to do this cause I am not a huge fan of riding on large animals, but it was actually quite nice!
My sister and I before dinner one night
Yard sticks at Senor Frogs
Another pre-dinner picture
And saying goodbye :(
We had a great time-did a few fun things, did some shopping and did a lot of lounging/relaxing/tanning and eating! I came back with a two pound or so weight gain...but it is what it is! Got back into the gym and trying to eat better routine this week so hopefully it (and more!) will be gone soon.
In other news...we got our 30 day notice for the house today! We will get our keys on or before July 21st!!! Haven't seen the house in awhile due to being gone and this last weekend being super busy, but I am hoping to go check it out this weekend. Then on Friday the 1st, we have our pre-carpet walk through (meaning it is literally complete except the carpet). It will be my first time actually going in the house (Kevin "went in" on the frame walk a few weeks back) and I am so excited! Will definitely take lotsa pics!
That's about all the news I've got for now and I wanna try to get to bed early tonight because I didn't fall asleep until 11 or so last night. Toodles!
<3 Jenni
Monday, June 20, 2011
I'm baaaack! And summer has finally arrived in the Sacramento area!
I have tons of pics and things to update about but not quite the time to do so right now...its gonna be a very busy next few weeks for a lot of reasons but I am gonna try to do a more detailed update this week...just wanted to say heyyyy and that I'm back from beautiful Cabo San Lucas, Mexico!
<3 Jenni
I have tons of pics and things to update about but not quite the time to do so right now...its gonna be a very busy next few weeks for a lot of reasons but I am gonna try to do a more detailed update this week...just wanted to say heyyyy and that I'm back from beautiful Cabo San Lucas, Mexico!
<3 Jenni
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Stunna Shades
Almost Cabo time! I got a ton of packing today...pretty much all clothes, shoes, accessories are packed so all I have left are such things as toiletries, my camera, laptop, etc. Today after dinner the fam and I headed to Kohl's cause my mom, sister, and I all wanted to get some cheap-y sunglasses (so we don't bring our nice ones and lose, break, etc. them) and my dad needed some swim trunks.
Me and my sister in the car in our new stunna shades!
(Mine are Lauren Conrad for Kohl's and I think her's are Vera Wang for Kohl's...could be wrong though)
Just gotta get through work tomorrow then its time for pedicures with my mom and sister, last minute packing, etc...and then off we gooooo! Not sure yet if I will be updating before I leave (or while I'm there, though I may since I will have my laptop)...so if you don't hear from me for awhile, you know where I'll be! :)
<3 Jenni
Monday, June 6, 2011
Just a quick post to show the progress on the house:
stucco!!! photo taken 6/4
anddd just for fun, a picture of my adorable, fat (though you can't tell much from this picture) cat, Tucker:
Bed time! Over and out!
<3 Jenni
Busy day...and week!
Hello out there in cyber space! Had a nice weekend that involved dinner with Shannon Friday night (as I mentioned), a passion party with my friend Venessa followed by going out to one of my favorite bars (with my boyfriend and other friends) Saturday night, and being super lazy with the boy and some other friends on Sunday.
Today and this week are crazy busy between work (and tying up some loose ends before I go on vacation for the girl who will be working for me while I'm gone), laundry, packing, tanning, fitting in some gym (or other exercise) time...and then leaving for the airport BRIGHT AND EARLY Friday morning!
This girl is in some serious need of a warm, sunshine-y vacation! It is still cold and rainy here in Sac Town despite the fact that it is June 6th!!!
Off to walk with my mom, tan, put away clean laundry/start packing, and possibly catch up on some DVR-ed shows (Police Women of Broward County and the Real Housewives of Orange County)! Hope ya'll had a great weekend!
<3 Jenni
PS...Yes I realize my profile photo is missing...I am trying to upload a new one but it keeps saying that an "internal error" occured...thought maybe it was just the picture I was trying to use, so tried another one and it still won't work so I will try again sometime later :)
Today and this week are crazy busy between work (and tying up some loose ends before I go on vacation for the girl who will be working for me while I'm gone), laundry, packing, tanning, fitting in some gym (or other exercise) time...and then leaving for the airport BRIGHT AND EARLY Friday morning!
This girl is in some serious need of a warm, sunshine-y vacation! It is still cold and rainy here in Sac Town despite the fact that it is June 6th!!!
Off to walk with my mom, tan, put away clean laundry/start packing, and possibly catch up on some DVR-ed shows (Police Women of Broward County and the Real Housewives of Orange County)! Hope ya'll had a great weekend!
<3 Jenni
PS...Yes I realize my profile photo is missing...I am trying to upload a new one but it keeps saying that an "internal error" occured...thought maybe it was just the picture I was trying to use, so tried another one and it still won't work so I will try again sometime later :)
Friday, June 3, 2011
Dinner with a Friend
This evening, I had the pleasure of having a dinner with a dear friend, Shannon. We just ate, had a drink, and talked. She's an amazing friend and we could have conversations for hours about anything, everything, and nothing. I have had a long week and have to get up early in the morning though, so we cut it a little short and now I am home relaxing before bed (and watching this strange special on TLC called "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding")...just wanted to do an outfit post :)
Purple Shirt-Target
Black Under Tank-Target
Jeans-Miss Me
Bangle-its old I really don't remember
Close up of the pattern on the shirt (it is supposed to look wrinkled/folded like that)
And a close up (kinda) of the Uggs
Alright, this show is intriguing so I am gonna pay some more attention to it, then its off to bed for this early riser :)
<3 Jenni
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Maybe summer is coming after all!
Had to do a home visit this afternoon for work up in the Pollock Pines area and the sky was looking MUCH better than yesterday:
The temps are still nowhere NEAR what they should be this time of year, but hopefully we'll get there soon...and if not: 8 days 'til Cabo!!!
<3 Jenni
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Weather Photos
Behold a few pictures taken along my 10 or so minute drive from my house to the gym this evening of the crazy sky:
In my neighborhood...
A little further...
And a little further again...
And my confused/angry face regarding this crazy not June-like weather
There was also some lightning along the way but its pretty difficult to capture that...especially on a cell phone while driving.
Here's to hoping the weather starts to feel more like summer, stat!
<3 Jenni
Unbearable Lightness
Yesterday evening, I finished reading Unbearable Lightness by Portia de Rossi. If you have not read it, do so! It is an amazingly interesting look into the world of Portia's struggles with finding her true self and being able to express it in Hollywood and her eating disorder. Super well written and an easy read if reading isn't really your thing.
Other than that-it is June 1st and typically around this time of year here in Sacramento, it is sunny and in the 80's or even 90's...today it is in the low 50's and has been raining all day! So awful! At least I know I will be in warm, sunny Cabo San Lucas in 9 days!!!
Today's eating has been okay and dinner won't be too bad, either. Then, after dinner it is off to the gym for this girl!
Hope everyone is having a great June 1st (despite the weather for those of you in this area of the world)!
<3 Jenni
Other than that-it is June 1st and typically around this time of year here in Sacramento, it is sunny and in the 80's or even 90's...today it is in the low 50's and has been raining all day! So awful! At least I know I will be in warm, sunny Cabo San Lucas in 9 days!!!
Today's eating has been okay and dinner won't be too bad, either. Then, after dinner it is off to the gym for this girl!
Hope everyone is having a great June 1st (despite the weather for those of you in this area of the world)!
<3 Jenni
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